Residents of Ochakiv will be able to influence the decisions of the city authorities through electronic polls

Stela «I love the Ochaks» on the central square of the city. Archive photo of «NikVesti» for illustration Stela «I love the Ochakiv» on the central square of the city. Archive photo of NikVesti for illustration

In Ochakiv, they want to introduce a system of electronic consultations with the public. In this way, the residents of the community will be able to take part in the polls concerning, in particular, the activities of the local authorities.

The corresponding draft decision is published on the website of the Ochakiv City Council, they write NikVesti.

According to the document, the city authorities want to approve the regulations on conducting such consultations, according to which, on the official portal of the city council, the section «Electronic consultations and surveys» should appear with a link to the «E-consultations» web portal, where surveys will be published on the decisions of the local community self-government.

All UTC (united territorial community, — note) residents over the age of 18 who register on the portal will be able to participate in such consultations.

The draft decision states that e-consultations are held for the purpose of:

  • involving members of the territorial community in solving and agreeing on issues of local importance;
  • providing the opportunity for free access of members of the territorial community to information about the activities of local self-government bodies, their officials and officials, as well as ensuring publicity, openness and transparency of their activities;
  • studying the opinion of members of the territorial community regarding the activities of local self-government bodies and their officials;
  • determination of optimal and effective ways of solving the problem, formation of conceptual foundations of urban policy, etc.

«Results of e-consultations are taken into account by local self-government bodies and their officials when making a final decision on consultation issues and in their further work,» the document says.

E-consultations can also be held regarding draft decisions of the City Council, in particular on the following issues:

  • that determine the strategic priorities and tasks of the development of the territorial community, including the approval of programs of economic, social and cultural development, other target programs, decisions on the status of their implementation;
  • local budget and reports on its implementation;
  • setting and changing fares for travel in public transport;
  • establishing and changing local taxes and fees;
  • introduction and changes in the cost of paid services in medical and educational institutions.

In January 2023, Ochakiv began to develop a plan for the recovery and development of the community. Local authorities invited residents to submit their ideas about the future of Ochakiv. But, according to Vice Mayor Oleksii Vaskov, residents did not show activity in this survey. In total, the questionnaire for community residents consisted of 17 questions, in particular about the current situation in the community and key problems and needs.

Read more about life in front-line Ochakiv and the vision of the community's future by its residents in the article NikVesti «Ochakiv: life and dreams of a frontline town».

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