Ukrainian scientists to create 22 developments commissioned by the Cabinet of Ministers for the first time

Науковці створять 22 розробки вперше за замовленням держави. Фото: pixabayScientists will create 22 developments for the first time by order of the state. Photo: pixabay

The Cabinet of Ministers has approved a list of scientific developments to be commissioned. Previously, scientists chose their own research topics, but now they have been provided with a list of developments that the state needs.

This was announced by the head of the Ministry of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov.

He believes that this is «a new level of integration» of science with the real economy, when scientific work is transformed into practical technologies for defence, medicine, ecology and industry, and not just remain within the scope of articles and theories.

«Previously, scientists chose what to work on themselves. Last year, various ministries, including the Ministry of Digital Transformation, formed terms of reference for research and development. Today, the government has approved a list of developments that scientists are already taking into account», he said.

In total, the state orders 22 developments. The focus of scientific developments is on

  • strengthening national security;
  • energy development — technologies for hydrogen fuel production;
  • agricultural production — overcoming the consequences of hostilities on agricultural land;
  • development of medical technologies — new methods of treatment and diagnosis of cancer, development of rehabilitation medicine based on AI;
  • overcoming the consequences of the environmental disaster (we are talking about the destruction of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station and the destruction of the Kakhovka reservoir);
  • digitalisation and artificial intelligence.

Scientists will have two years to develop solutions in these areas and a separate budget for their implementation — more than 186 million hryvnias. Mykhailo Fedorov noted that the developments should be ready for practical use to strengthen defence and develop the economy.

In 2024, four Mykolaiv higher education institutions were included in the annual ranking based on the number of publications in scientific journals, conference proceedings, and book publications.

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