Carlson tried to invite Zelenskyy for an interview, but was refused

Tucker Carlson / Photo: REUTERS Tucker Carlson / Photo: REUTERS

American journalist Tucker Carlson wrote that he will soon interview the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

But the president's spokesman Serhii Nikiforov said that the head of state will not give an interview to the American propagandist.

«Mr. Tucker Carlson should check his FSS sources more carefully. The President of Ukraine has a completely different schedule, and Tucker Carlson is not there,» he noted.

Carlson claims that he has been trying to invite Zelenskyy for an interview for two years, and «especially actively» after Carlson's interview with Russian President Putin in February. He wrote about this on July 4 on the X network.

«It seems that we got Zelenskyy's interview. The point is to provide Americans with much-needed information about a conflict that is completely changing their country's position in the world,» the journalist explained.

He did not specify when the interview with the Ukrainian president might be released, noting: «We hope soon.»

Previously, Tucker Carlson said that he allegedly sent a request to the President of Ukraine several times asking for an interview. He seemed to ignore him.

We will remind, in an interview with the former American TV presenter Tucker Carlson, the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, said that he is calling on Washington to convince Ukraine to sit down at the negotiating table.

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