Syniehubov: «It is necessary to change the system, the person must choose for himself»

The head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, Oleh Syniehubov, offered the mobilized to independently choose the specialty, field of work and unit in the armed forces in which they would like to serve.

The head of the Kharkiv region said this on the air of Nataliia Moseichuk on February 22, NikVesti reports.

Syniehubov recalled how, during teaching, employees and students of higher educational institutions went around schools and oriented applicants. He believes that a similar technology should be given a choice to those who go to defend Ukraine.

«It is necessary to change this, relatively speaking, parameter: to look for people on the street and force them to go to one or another army,» said Oleh Syniehubov.

Syniehubov remembered the case when the 92nd separate assault brigade, which is based in the Kharkiv region, published an announcement for a job at the ОЛХ. Then, 72 able-bodied people left their applications in a day. According to the head of the Kharkiv region, people choose to go to this unit and under the command of a specific person.

«All this needs to be changed as soon as possible. We constantly say at the meetings: let's make sure that the person goes to a specific unit, and not to be escorted by the hand to the Military Commissariat, to the military medical comission, «training» and after that sent somewhere else,» said Oleg Syniehubov.

At the same time, Syniehubov added that if a person fits the description of a «stormtrooper» according to his characteristics, he will be exactly that, and not, for example, a drone operator.

The updated law on mobilization in Ukraine

On December 19, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, gave a final press conference, where he announced that the General Staff and the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valerii Zaluzhnyi proposed to mobilize up to 400,000-500,000 more people for military operations.

Subsequently, the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Valerii Zaluzhnyi commented on the plans to mobilize 500,000 people into the ranks of the Ukrainian army. He said the command did not request specific numbers.

The head of the «Servant of the People» presidential faction, Davyd Arakhamiia, said that on December 25, the government was supposed to submit a draft law on mobilization, which he is working on at the request of the military.

On January 4, the Council's Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence began considering a new law on mobilization. The discussion together with the command of the Armed Forces and representatives of the Ministry of Defense will last several days.

On January 11, draft law No. 10378 on improving mobilization, military registration and military service was sent back for revision.

In turn, in February, the Chairman of the «Servant of the People» faction, Davyd Arakhamiia, stated that Ukraine will have to conduct additional mobilization in the event of a lack of aid from the United States or its reduction.

Lowering the conscription age in Ukraine

As for the conscription age, Volodymyr Zelenskyy believes that such a decision is fully reasoned. At the press conference, he agreed with the proposal to reduce the age limit for men on military registration from 27 to 25 years from 27 to 25 years.

This opinion is also shared by Major General Dmytro Marchenko, who considers it absolutely necessary to lower the conscription age.

Are women mobilized?

The President of Ukraine criticized the idea of forced mobilization of women.

«Women's mobilization — no, I will not sign. As for 25 years: if it is argued — and today I see that it is necessary — then I will agree with it,» said the president.

As you know, Ukraine currently has a clearly defined list of reasons and necessary documents for postponing conscripts from mobilization. A postponement may be granted due to health conditions, the presence of three or more minor children, or care for parents with disabilities.

We will remind that in June of this year, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine submitted a draft law on reducing the list of persons who can receive a deferment from military service. After the signing of the law by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, it will be possible not to serve only if there are no other people in the family capable of supporting a person with a disability.

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