• Wednesday

    19 March, 2025

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  • 19 March , 2025 Wednesday

  • Mykolaiv • 6.1° Overcast

Mykolaiv region is among the ten regions with the most debts for communal services

Residents of Mykolaiv rest on the city space 8 Prychali, June 2024. Photo: «NykVesty" Residents of Mykolaiv rest on the city space 8 Prychal, June 2024. Photo: NikVesti

As of July 2024, the number of debt collection proceedings for housing and communal services in Mykolaiv Oblast reached 29,000.

This is evidenced by the data of the digital service for the analysis of state data «Opendatabot», writes NikVesti.

In total, there are currently 701,000 debt collection proceedings for housing and communal services in Ukraine. Since the beginning of the full-scale war, debts have increased by 37%. As of February 2022, there were 512,359 such proceedings in the register.

The largest number of debtors live in the Dnipropetrovsk region — more than 100,000 cases, or 14.3% of the total number. Kharkiv and Donetsk regions are next in the ranking — 94.8 thousand and 79.7 thousand, respectively. Mykolaiv Oblast ranks eighth among debtor regions.

Screenshot from the digital service for analyzing state data «Opendatabot" Screenshot from the digital service for analyzing state data «Opendatabot»

36.9% of all debts are non-payment for heating — 258.8 thousand. Debts for water supply were in second place by a significant margin — 18.6%, or 130.2 thousand. Rounding out the top three are debts for electricity — 67.9 thousand, or 9.7%.

What other utilities do Ukrainians owe for:

  • residential service — 67,100, or 9.6%;
  • gas supply — 59,700, or 8.5%;
  • waste removal — 7,600, or 1.1%.

In another 15.6% of cases, it was not possible to determine the scope of the debt collector. This is approximately 109 thousand debts.

Since the beginning of the full-scale war in Ukraine, there has been a moratorium on forced collection and disconnection from the networks of utility payment debtors. In 2024, this moratorium was canceled. Currently, the restriction applies only if the consumer's home has been damaged as a result of hostilities.

What about the debts in Mykolaiv?

As of January 2024, residents of Mykolaiv owe more than 241 million hryvnias for water supply and drainage services. Among the regions of Ukraine, the people of Mykolaiv became one of the biggest debtors for water supply services.

In social networks, they began to publish advertising videos with threats to block Mykolaiv residents' credit cards due to debt. In a comment to «Nikvesti», the director of KP Borys Dudenko explained that the purpose of such videos is to convey to the public the need to pay for debts.

And as of the end of October 2023, the total debt of the residents of Mykolaiv for heat supply services to the Regional Heat and Power Company amounted to 213 million hryvnias. By that time, the townspeople had already paid 95% of the debt for the 2022/23 heating season, and currently the sum of last year's debt is 90 million hryvnias. The director of «Mykolaivoblteploenergo» stated that in 2024 the company plans to introduce a two-rate tariff. This means that residents of Mykolaiv will pay for heating throughout the year, not just during the heating season, but in winter the payments will be higher.


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