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    5 October, 2024

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  • 5 October , 2024 October

  • Mykolaiv • 24.8° Partly cloudy

«We learn all our lives»: sappers from the Kherson region told how long it takes to learn how to demine fields in the de-occupied territories

How sappers of the 808th brigade demine fields in the Kherson region, photo: NikVesty How sappers of the 808th brigade demine fields in the Kherson region, photo: NikVesty

Operational demining of already de-occupied territories continues in Kherson region. In almost 8 months of work, 6 demining groups of 808 brigades surveyed more than 10,000 hectares of land, discovering and destroying about 1,500 explosive objects.

NikVesti spoke with sappers of the 808th brigade to learn the specifics of their work and how the process of demining in the fields in the Kherson region takes place.

In particular, before starting the direct survey of the territory for demining, sappers perform a preliminary survey, set «squares» with the help of flags and explore passages in the adjacent forest strips.

In addition, a place for the demolition of fragments, casings and other scrap metal that does not pose an explosive threat is marked.

«Before taking the ammunition out, we first inspect it, and only then do I make a decision: take it out or detonate it on the spot. No one does anything without my team. Work is constantly on our feet and we work almost without days off. We didn't come here to rest,» says the commander of the 808th demining group of the separate support brigade of the Support Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the call sign «Subota».

According to the commander, it is possible to master the basics of the sapper specialty in 4-5 months. However, if a person has previously served or participated in military operations, 2-3 months of training will be enough.

«We constantly find something new in Russians. I myself learn every time. If I find it and don't understand what it is, I search on the Internet, ask colleagues who uses what and what it might be, what its effect is, how to neutralize it. A sapper learns all his life. Every day, every step,» explains the commander.

How is the demining of the Mykolaiv Oblast going on?

Ukraine recently updated the country's priority demining plan. According to it, more than 512,000 hectares of agricultural land are subject to priority demining, of which 44,000 hectares are in the Mykolaiv region.

As of December 2023, 30% of the territory of the Mykolaiv region has been mined. In total, it is 754 thousand hectares of land.

At the same time, they are working on demining in the region. For example, as of October 2023, 13 thousand 40 hectares, including 9 thousand 25 hectares of agricultural land, have been demined in the Mykolayiv region.

Dmytro Komarov, the author of the «World Inside Out.Ukraine» project, visited the mined territories of the Mykolaiv region and showed the work of local sappersNikVesti also told about a farmer from Kyselivka, who is trying to demine his fields on his own.

About 30,000-35,000 hectares of land remain mined in the Bashtan district of the Mykolaiv region, part of which was under occupation. And in the village of Maksymivka of the Pervomaisk community of the Mykolaiv region, locals live with an unexploded shell under the foundation of the house.

In general, the demining situation in Maksymivka is currently critical. A year after liberation from the Russian occupiers , the village was demined by only 40%.

Read also the article NikVesti «Decades are needed: How the demining process of the Mykolaiv region continues.»

It is known that the company «Demining of Ukraine» has developed a device capable of demining the Mykolaiv region for three months.

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