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    5 October, 2024

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  • 5 October , 2024 October

  • Mykolaiv • 22.1° Partly cloudy

Gave orders to detain residents of Kinburn in Mykolaiv region: Russian military informed about suspicion

RF military suspected of torturing Kinburn residents / Photo: Mykolaiv Regional Prosecutor's OfficeRF military suspected of torturing Kinburn residents / Photo: Mykolaiv Regional Prosecutor's Office

The law enforcement agencies reported suspicion to a serviceman of the Russian Federation who, during the occupation of the Kinburn Peninsula, gave orders to detain local residents, who were subsequently transported to the neighboring territory of occupied Kherson region and subjected to torture.

This was reported by the Mykolaiv Regional Prosecutor's Office.

According to the investigation, on August 23, 2022, the commander of the artillery platoon of the illegal armed formation (IAF) «Don» of the Russian Federation, together with other unidentified occupiers, arrived at the house of a resident of Vasilyivka village. They entered the house, tied the man's head with ropes and rags, tied his hands, and put him in the back of a KamAZ truck. Then they took him to the territory of the occupied part of the Kherson region, where he was held for at least seven days. During his captivity, the man was tortured. Later, he was taken to the Kherson region, where he was thrown out partially undressed, without documents and clothes.

It is noted that in early September 2022, the suspect came to the house of a local resident and again ordered a group of subordinates to put handcuffs on the woman. Her head was wrapped with a towel, and she was taken to one of the houses in Pokrovka village. There, she was handcuffed to a chair at night, and in the morning, she was loaded into the trunk of a car and taken to Kherson region. She was kept there for seven days without food and water and was threatened. After some time, she was loaded into a car and dumped near Pokrovka village.

The man was informed of the suspicion of violating the laws and customs of war (Part 1 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

It should be reminded that Russian military personnel abducted and held at least ten civilians in prolonged captivity on the Kinburn Spit. Three local residents returned from captivity, having experienced torture.

The Russian Guards were the first occupiers of the Kinburn Peninsula. Together with the FSB, they tried to find those who help the Ukrainian military, have relatives serving, or may harm the occupation regime.

Journalists have analyzed information from open sources, as well as testimonies of eyewitnesses and Ukrainian military. According to them, the residents of the Spit were abducted by the «Don» Russian guards and occupiers from the «Don» brigade.

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