• Friday

    21 March, 2025

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  • 21 March , 2025 Friday

  • Mykolaiv • 4.4° Clear sky

An educational centre was opened in Voznesensk with the support of the Japanese government

Діти у новому Цифровому освітньому центрі у Вознесенську. Фото: Вознесенська міськрадаChildren at the new Digital Education Centre in Voznesensk. Photo: Voznesensk City Council

A second Digital Education Centre has been opened in Voznesensk on the basis of a professional agricultural lyceum.

According to the mayor's office, the project is being implemented by the Association for Innovative and Digital Education in cooperation with UNICEF, with the support of the Japanese government.

The centre is part of a network of Digital Learning Centres operating in the southern regions of Ukraine. Its main goal is to provide access to quality education for children who have limited learning opportunities due to the war.

Діти у новому Цифровому освітньому центрі у Вознесенську. Фото: Вознесенська міськрадаChildren at the new Digital Learning Centre in Voznesensk. Photo: Voznesensk City Council
Діти у новому Цифровому освітньому центрі у Вознесенську. Фото: Вознесенська міськрадаChildren in the new Digital Education Centre in Voznesensk. Photo: Voznesensk City Council
Діти у новому Цифровому освітньому центрі у Вознесенську. Фото: Вознесенська міськрадаChildren in the new Digital Education Centre in Voznesensk. Photo: Voznesensk City Council

Here, schoolchildren aged 6 to 18 can catch up on missed topics using artificial intelligence, learn through interactive cases and the Minecraft Education platform for free. In addition, they will receive support from teachers and psychologists. They will also be able to master in-demand professions.

It is reported that today there are already six Digital Education Centres in the region based on vocational education institutions and one in a professional higher education institution.

Earlier, an educational hub was opened in Voznesensk on the basis of a school. The space will be used for masterclasses, trainings, classes for schoolchildren and meetings with a psychologist.


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