• Saturday

    5 October, 2024

  • 24.8°
    Partly cloudy


  • 5 October , 2024 October

  • Mykolaiv • 24.8° Partly cloudy

«They promised to decide next year», — Sienkevych on compensation from the state for Oblteploenerho for the difference in the tariff

During a meeting with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the Mayor of Mykolaiv, Oleksandr Sienkevych, discussed the issue of allocating compensation from the state budget to pay off the difference in tariffs for the city's heat supply enterprises.

The mayor told about this in a comment to «NikVesti», noting that the president referred this issue to the relevant department for consideration.

We will remind you that on October 20, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy held a meeting in Mykolaiv on current issues of security and vital activities of the region. The meeting was attended by the mayor of Mykolaiv Oleksandr Sienkevych, the head of Mykolaiv RMA Vitalii Kim and the heads of law enforcement agencies.

As you know, «Mykolaivoblteploenerho» will start the heating season with debts. The company owes Naftohaz 450 million hryvnias. At the same time, it still has not received 455 million hryvnias of compensation from the state budget for the difference between the economically justified and the current heating tariff.

— During the conversation with the president, I raised the issue of the return from the state budget for repayment of the difference in tariffs for our heat supply enterprises, how these funds should be spent to cover the debt to NJSC Naftohaz. The President immediately sent this issue to the specialized structures, and it was promised to be resolved next year, — Oleksandr Sienkevych commented.

We will remind you that as of February 2023, the state owed Mykolaivvoblteploenerho ₴240 million for the difference in tariffs.

In July 2023, Mykolaiv heat supply enterprises were forced to turn to the Cabinet of Ministers due to the need to allocate more than 500 million hryvnias to repay the debt between the approved and economically justified tariff.

It was also reported that as of the end of June, the people of Mykolaiv owed more than 261 million hryvnias to «Mykolaivvoblteploenerho». Of them, more than 88 million is the debt of the previous heating period, the remaining 172 million hryvnias is the debt of previous years.

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