• Saturday

    5 October, 2024

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  • 5 October , 2024 October

  • Mykolaiv • 24.4° Mainly clear

«Dangerous for children's lives,» residents of Varvarika are asking to repair the playground

Residents of the Varvarivka microdistrict in Mykolaiv are asked to pay attention to the emergency condition of the children's playground at 98 Odeske Shosse Street.

Local residents sent a complaint to the contact center page of the Mykolaiv City Council.

According to the report, the swings on the site are not working and are in an emergency condition.

«This is dangerous for children's lives,» local people wrote.

In addition, the garbage cans are broken on the site, due to which garbage is scattered all over the territory, and the children's sandbox has turned into a toilet for stray dogs.

According to residents of the district, the site is in great demand in the summer.

«There are always a lot of children at this playground, because it is the only one where there is at least some respite from the sun in the summer,» the message reads.

In the comments under the post, it was noted that the problem with this playground arose six years ago. Over the years, the residents who use the playground independently repaired the swings, benches and filled the sandbox.

«We mowed the grass, weeded, we even tried to grow some flowers. By the way, one of the neighbors brought us sand, I shoveled it into the sandbox alone for about an hour. You have the opportunity to do everything yourself in the spring. «Unfortunately, this issue has been a sore topic for the past six years,» they write in the comments.

We will remind you that in the summer, a local resident complained about the unsatisfactory state of the playground at DM Kazka. He asked for repairs and modernization there, to which the administration of «Fairy Tales» reported that, according to the results of the inspection, the playground «is completely safe» for children to visit.

Later, it was fenced off with a boundary tape, and the director of «Fairytales» said back in July that the terms of repairing the playground are unknown, and the work will be carried out at the expense of the city budget.

Only six months after the NikVesti publication, the director of the institution announced that the emergency playground in the town would be repaired.

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