• Thursday

    9 January, 2025

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  • 9 January , 2025 Thursday

  • Mykolaiv • 8.8° Overcast

715 people are officially registered as unemployed in Mykolaiv

The unemployment rate is increasing in Mykolaiv. Photo for illustration from sud.ua website The unemployment rate is increasing in Mykolaiv. Photo for illustration from sud.ua website

Over the past year, the number of unemployed people in Mykolaiv has increased by 11% — as of November 1, 2024, 715 people were registered at the employment center, while on November 1, 2023, the number of unemployed people was 643.

Such data are contained in the materials for the draft budget of Mykolaiv for 2025, NikVesti  writes.

It is noted that despite the increase in the unemployment rate, the enterprises that remain in the city are experiencing a lack of workers. Against the backdrop of population decline, migration abroad, and mobilization processes, the city is gradually losing labor resources, which exacerbates problems in the labor market.

The document states that the population has decreased by almost 10% in two years — from 469 to 423 thousand. In fact, the city lost about 46,000 residents in two years. This demographic situation not only reduces the number of working people, but also puts additional pressure on local businesses.

In particular, the financial crisis has affected many companies: only seven enterprises in the city have wage arrears exceeding 7.3 million hryvnias.

It is expected that in 2025, the purchasing power of the population will continue to decrease in Mykolaiv. This is due to the fact that social payments and benefits in 2025 will remain at the level of 2024, while the inflation rate will continue to rise. It is noted that vulnerable categories of Mykolaiv residents may find themselves in even more difficult conditions.

On the other hand, according to data published on the website of the Mykolaiv Regional Employment Center, despite the rising unemployment rate, 4,849 people were employed in 2024. 7,279 people were engaged in temporary employment, 6,960 of them to participate in socially useful works of the «Recovery Army».

Currently, the website of the Employment Center has published 1,249 vacancies in the Mykolaiv region with salaries from 7 to 60 thousand hryvnias.

We will remind, the country needs 4.5 million new workers for economic growth, although about eight million Ukrainians remain unemployed for various reasons.

It should also be noted that in October of last year it was reported that the Fund of mandatory state social insurance in case of unemployment increased the minimum amount of unemployment benefits from 1,000 hryvnias to 1,500 hryvnias.


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