• Friday

    21 March, 2025

  • 12.4°
    Mainly clear


  • 21 March , 2025 Friday

  • Mykolaiv • 12.4° Mainly clear

Mykolaiv refused to install a central Christmas tree this year

A Christmas tree in the children's town «Kazka» in Mykolaiv, archival photo: «NikVesti" A Christmas tree in the children's town «Kazka» in Mykolaiv, archival photo: NikVesti

In Mykolaiv, they will not put up a New Year's tree and hold city-wide events for the coming holidays. This was explained by the security situation and the state of the budget.

Anatolii Petrov, deputy mayor of Mykolaiv, said this in a comment to NikVesti.

The only events that will be available for citizens are local ones in the districts and in the Kazka children's town, where a small Christmas tree will be installed.

«We will not officially put up a Christmas tree, there will be no events either. They will be local around the city. This is necessary in order not to crowd people. We will have a Christmas tree in the Kazka children's town, there will be an ice rink, there will be various Christmas locations,» commented Anatolii Petrov.

At the same time, in response to the statement that cities closer to the front will nevertheless install a city Christmas tree, for example, Dnipro and Kharkiv, the official noted that the authorities there can allow it, based on the budget's possibilities.

«Let's not compare the budgets of Odesa, Dnipro and Mykolaiv. This is also a question of saving finances. I'm not ready to tell the numbers, but it's not cheap (installation of a city-wide Christmas tree, — note),» he added.

Note that in addition to Mykolaiv, there will be no Christmas tree this year in Vinnytsia, Zhytomyr, Chernihiv, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson. In the last two, it is connected with constant shelling of cities.

But in neighboring Odesa, a Christmas tree will be solemnly opened today, December 6, in honor of St. Nicholas Day. It was installed on Derybasivska Street. In Dnipro, the city's main Christmas tree is installed on Cologne Boulevard. And in Kharkiv, the main Christmas tree was installed at the «Universytet» metro station. The tradition of decorating a Christmas tree in the subway was started in 2022.


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