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  • 29 September , 2024 September

  • Mykolaiv • 18.9° Clear sky

The first resort season after the war: it is planned to demine the beaches in the Mykolaiv region

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The first resort season after the war in the Mykolaiv region is planned to be held in demined areas in order to enable businesses to function.

Mykola Marinov, Deputy Chief of the Mykolaiv Regional Military Administration for Tourism, told about this in a comment to NikVesti.

According to him, beach demining is a critically important task before the recovery in the future holiday season.

«I think that we will make the first holiday season after the war precisely with demined areas, so that the business can at least somehow work,» said Mykola Marinov.

Mykola Marinov noted that last year it was planned that specialized services would be able to demine and fence the beaches for the safe recreation of local residents and tourists, but this year it turned out that this would not be possible.

«Last year, we thought that it would be possible to demine the beaches in the Mykolaiv region, fence them off and give people access. But this year we already knew that it would be impossible. There are three reasons for this. The first is landing danger, the second is demining, and the third is defensive structures. The emergency services simply don't have time to demine the beaches because they are busy with more pressing matters, such as the fields, for example,» he said.

The official noted that the emergency services are under a lot of pressure due to other urgent tasks, so beach demining is not one of their priorities.

Mykola Marinov, answering a question about the terms of demining territories adjacent to reservoirs, said that it is a complex process that can take many years.

«Unfortunately, we cannot say how many years it will take to clear the areas adjacent to the water and beaches. Even before the full-scale war, specialists from time to time carried out demining of areas from World War II ammunition. Therefore, I do not know when the final demining can be completed, and when we will be able to secure our coast,» said Mykola Marinov.

Earlier, the head of the Mykolaiv Oblast Vitalii Kim said that in the Mykolaiv region , the beaches of the Black Sea coast cannot be opened for visitors due to the risk of artillery shelling, in contrast to the Odesa region, which is outside the zone of such damage.

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