Public notification system will be installed for ₴1.2 million in the Kherson region

Notification system in the Kherson region Notification system in the Kherson region

A new public notification system is planned to be installed in one of the communities of the Kherson region. For this, 1.2 million hryvnias were allocated from the local budget of Tiahynka community.

This is evidenced by the data of the public procurement system ProZorro, writes NikVesti.

The procurement was carried out without the use of an electronic system, and the Mykolaiv enterprise «Falkon-M» was awarded the contract to perform the works.

Back in 2023, the Tiahynka community ordered services for the development of the work project «New construction of a local automated system of centralized notification» for 42 thousand hryvnias. The winner of the tender was the same company «Falcon-M» LLC. The owners of the company are residents of Mykolaiv Maksym Nikitskyi and Kateryna Lomaka.

Although the contract states that the types and scope of work are determined by an appendix, it was not published. Thus, the exact amount of work for which 1.2 million hryvnias will be paid remains unknown. The contractor will receive funds only after the completion of all works, which according to the contract must be completed by December 20, 2024.

It is known that some settlements of the Kherson region will be in the zone of active hostilities from the fall of 2023. In particular, it includes six villages of the Tiahynka rural territorial community:

  • Burhunka
  • Lvove
  • Mykolaivka
  • Odradokamianka
  • Olhivka
  • Tiahynka

We will remind that in 2024, 6.1 million hryvnias were allocated from the regional budget of the Mykolaiv Oblast to improve the public notification system.

According to Olena Horbachova, the deputy head of the civil protection department, the notification system in the Mykolaiv region was built in the 80s of the last century and was based on analog equipment. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, this system began to be improved, in particular, to switch from analog to digital signal transmission channels.

In addition, 96% of communities in the Mykolaiv region do not have a public notification system — sirens are installed only in two communities of the region — Mykolaiv and Yuzhnoukrainsk. Another 17 communities of the Mykolaiv region have already submitted projects for the arrangement of local warning systems for the approval of specialists of the regional civil protection department.

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