Kim is the second after Zelenskyy in the rating of Ukrainians′ trust in politicians — Razumkov Center

The head of Mykolaiv OVA Vitaly Kim

The head of the Mykolayiv OSA Vitalii Kim made it to the top-3 trust rating among politicians, officials, public figures and journalists according to the survey results of the Razumkov Center.

This is evidenced by the survey data conducted by the sociological service of the Razumkov Center from September 21 to 27, «NikVesti» writes.

«Among the politicians, officials, public figures, journalists, the level of trust in which was assessed during this study, respondents most often expressed trust in Volodymyr Zelenskyy (75%), Vitalii Kim (64%), Serhiy Prytula (51%),» — note sociologists

It should also be noted that according to polls conducted by the Center this year, the level of trust in the head of Mykolaiv OSA decreased compared to the summer. Then more than 71% of the respondents said that they trust Vitaly Kim.

People more often expressed trust than distrust in Mykhailo Podolyak (respectively 45% and 30%), Vitalii Klitschko (respectively 44% and 39.5%), Oleksii Danylov (respectively 42% and 35.5%), Vasyl Malyuk (respectively 34 % and 21%), Yurii Butusov (respectively 31% and 25%), Serhii Sternenko (respectively 28.5% and 26%), Ihor Klymenko (respectively 26% and 22%), Rustem Umyerov (respectively 25% and 21% ).

The majority of respondents do not trust Yurii Boyko (82%), Yuliia Tymoshenko (82%), Petro Poroshenko (73%), Oleksii Arestovych (71%), Dmytro Gordon (58%), Davyd Arakhamia (54%) and Andrii Yermak (53 %).

Distrust was expressed more often than trust in Ruslan Stefanchuk (46% do not trust him, 25% trust him), Denys Shmyhal (44% and 36% respectively), Danyla Hetmantsev (29% and 18% respectively).

The Razumkov Center also investigated the level of public trust in state and public institutions. Most often, trust is expressed in the Armed Forces (93% of respondents trust them), volunteer units (85%), volunteer organizations (84%), the State Emergency Service (83%), the National Guard (81%), the State Border Guard (76.5%), the President (72%), the Ministry of Defense (71%), the Security Service of Ukraine (66%).

At the same time, the majority of respondents express distrust in political parties (74% distrust), officials (72%), the judicial system (70%), the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (64%), the prosecutor's office (61%), the government of Ukraine (60%), commercial banks (59%), the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (53%), the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office (52%), the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (52%).

According to the respondents, the political force that can be entrusted with power in the post-war period can most often appear from among the military (52% of respondents believe so).

Reference : The survey was conducted by the face-to-face method in the territories under the control of Ukraine according to a stratified multi-stage sample with the use of random selection at the first stages of sample formation and the quota method of selecting respondents at the final stage.

2016 respondents over the age of 18 were surveyed. The theoretical sampling error does not exceed 2.3%. At the same time, additional systematic deviations of the sample may be caused by the consequences of Russian aggression, in particular, the forced evacuation of millions of citizens.

In March 2022, the authoritative British newspaper The Times called the head of the Mykolaiv Regional Military Administration, Vitaly Kim, a possible next president of Ukraine. At that time, the journalists of the publication described the head of Mykolayiv OVA as a "charismatic governor" and added that he "inspired the people of Mykolayiv to take up arms."

Screenshot from The Times, March 2022

We remind you that in the summer, the IRI survey showed that Vitaliy Kim has the highest level of support from the local population among the heads of the OVA in Ukraine.

Last autumn Vitalii Kim was included to the list of bloggers most followed by Ukrainians.

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