Mykolaivoblteploenergo wants to sell electricity: waiting for a licence

«Миколаївоблтеплоенерго» планує продавати електроенергію. Фото: архів «NikVesti»Mykolaivoblteploenergo plans to sell electricity. Photo: archive NikVesti

The municipal enterprise Mykolaivoblteploenergo plans to expand its activities and obtain a licence to supply electricity.

The company's director, Mykola Lohvinov, said this during a briefing in response to a question from a journalist from NikVesti.

«Our company continues to develop and build its own power generation facilities. We hope to obtain a licence to supply electricity in the near future,» said Mykola Lohvinov.

According to him, the company intends not only to use its own generation but also to buy electricity on the market for further sale.

«We are entering the electricity market and plan to trade it. This does not depend on our generation. Electricity supply is a licensed activity that allows us to buy energy from producers and sell it to consumers,» he explained.

Lohvinov said that residents of the city will not be able to sign contracts with the company directly, as the company will only work with budgetary institutions, legal entities and other organisations.

Earlier, the mayor of Mykolaiv, Oleksandr Sienkevych, announced plans to create an «energy island» in the city», which will ensure stable heat supply during large-scale power outages. He noted that Mykolaiv has two main heat supply companies: the municipal Mykolaivoblteploenergo, which is already equipped with generators, and the state-owned thermal power plant (TPP).

As a reminder, the energy infrastructure of Mykolaiv region is to be modernised in line with EU standards.

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