• Monday

    17 February, 2025

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  • 17 February , 2025 Monday

  • Mykolaiv • -6.4° Clear sky

Mykolaiv received from Japan equipment for processing waste due to the destruction in the amount of about €5 million

Demolition waste storage site at Mykolaiv city landfill. Photo: «NykVesty" Demolition waste storage site at Mykolaiv city landfill. Photo: NikVesti

The Japanese agency for international cooperation JICA, which plans to build a solid household waste processing plant in Mykolaiv, has handed over to the city construction waste processing equipment worth about 5 million euros.

This was announced by the vice-mayor of Mykolaiv Serhii Korenev on the air of the «Dialog» program.

«To date, we have already received equipment worth about 4-5 million euros. And the main part of processing is, directly, crushers. And now three crushers have already arrived in Mykolaiv. The crushers are huge, which can crush very large-fraction blocks of concrete, and sort them by fraction into inert material that can be reused in construction.»

According to the vice-mayor, the delivery of equipment for the processing of demolition waste is expected to be completed during the fall.

«As of today, escalators, bulldozers, crushers, several dump trucks have already arrived, and specialized construction equipment is yet to arrive,» said the vice-mayor.

Destruction waste in the Mykolayiv region

By the end of 2023, Mykolaiv Oblast is among the six regions most littered with demolition waste: they occupy an area of more than half a million square meters of the region. Currently, part of this waste is stored in landfills, and another part is still at the sites of destruction. This causes damage to the environment of the region: the destruction waste pollutes water, soil, and air. And therefore the question arises of their professional disposal and re-processing for the reconstruction of the region, it is told in the article «Raise from the ruins: How are they going to get rid of the waste of destruction in Mykolaiv Oblast?».

As of the end of November 2023, 57 hectares of the territory of the Mykolaiv region were littered with construction debris created as a result of shelling. At the same time, the Department of Housing and Communal Services of Mykolaiv reported that by the end of 2023, the city should receive a special installation for shredding demolition waste.

During 2023, five temporary storage sites for demolition waste were identified in the Mykolaiv region.

At the same time, on the territory of the Mykolaiv region, they are going to build a plant for the processing of construction waste, which was formed as a result of enemy shelling. It is assumed that the plant will work for the processing of construction waste in two regions: Mykolaiv and Kherson, said the head of the Shevchenkove community Oleh Pylypenko. The Shevchenkove community also wants to deal with the disposal of hazardous demolition waste containing asbestos.

Read also the article NikVesti «Eco-development of the south: where do the waste of destruction disappear and how useful is the example of Kharkiv».


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