• Thursday

    19 September, 2024

  • 23.1°
    Partly cloudy


  • 19 September , 2024 September

  • Mykolaiv • 23.1° Partly cloudy

Alternative power sources have already been installed in all schools with shelters in Mykolaiv

A lesson in the shelter of Mykolaiv Lyceum No. 55, archival photo of NikVesta A lesson in the shelter of the Mykolaiv Lyceum No. 55, archival photo of «Nikvesti"

Hanna Lychko, head of Mykolaiv City Council, said that alternative sources of electricity have already been installed in schools where there are protective shelters. In case of long-term blackouts for distance learning students, the heads of educational institutions will adapt the educational process.

She told about this at a briefing on August 30, the correspondent of NikVesti reports.

«In schools where there are protective shelters, we definitely already have alternative power sources installed. But if, again, there will be long blackouts for distance schools, then the head of the educational institution will regulate this process. That is, there is Internet in every school building. The local budget pays for this internet. If there is no possibility to teach without lights at home, please come to the institution,» said Hanna Lychko.

We will remind, in Mykolaiv, due to the outflow of schoolchildren, they decided to combine classes in educational institutions that will work remotely. Because of this, some teachers will have to be laid off.

Earlier, the head of the Department of Education and Science of the Mykolayiv Oblast Alla Velikhovska reported that there is a shortage of teachers of various subjects in the Mykolayiv Oblast. Educational institutions are most in need of teachers of chemistry, physics and biology.

It should also be noted that from September 2, 26 schools, which have equipped shelters, will start working in full-time and mixed form in Mykolaiv. Earlier, the city authorities planned to open 40 schools in Mykolaiv for full-time education. But parents will independently choose the format of education for their children.

More than half of Mykolaiv schoolchildren plan to study offline as early as September 2024 — that's more than 22,000 children. However, as of the end of June, there is an outflow of students from Mykolaiv. Since the beginning of the full-scale war, the student contingent has decreased by 13.8% to 6,380 people.

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