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  • 21 October , 2024 October

  • Mykolaiv • 9.6° Clear sky

Zelenskyy signed the law on «transparent construction»

Mykolaiv Lyceum No. 2 after shelling, archival photo «NikVesti" Mykolaiv Lyceum №2 after shelling, archival photo NikVesti

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, signed the law on the mandatory publication of estimates during public procurement, also known as the law on «transparent construction». He will oblige construction customers to publish prices for materials in Prozorro.

People's deputy, one of the co-authors of the draft law, Yaroslav Zhelezniak, announced this on October 21.

The law requires customers to publish information about prices, changes in prices for material resources (name, characteristics, units of measurement, quantity, selling price, as well as the cost of transportation and procurement and storage costs) in the procurement of services for current repairs, construction works, expansion, reconstruction, capital repair and restoration of industrial and non-industrial objects and structures, ongoing repair and construction works with the development of project documentation.

According to the explanatory note, this should ensure transparency of information on the use of public finances for the purchase of services for current repairs, capital repair works and construction.

In particular, the law establishes that the procurement contract and all its annexes (including documents containing information on the prices of material resources) must be published in a machine-readable format within three working days from the date of its conclusion.

We would like to remind you that in Mykolaiv, the international aid monitoring site has been launched in test mode. The purpose of its creation is to track information on assistance from international partners.

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