• Saturday

    5 October, 2024

  • 20°
    Mainly clear


  • 5 October , 2024 October

  • Mykolaiv • 20° Mainly clear

A total of 29 «real» sentences have been assigned in the Maidan cases

Photo: Associated Press Photo: Associated Press

As of the end of May, the courts passed 64 guilty verdicts in the «Maidan Cases» against 78 people. Of them, only 29 people were sentenced to «real» imprisonment.

This is stated in the hromadske material.

The fact is that the statute of limitations for prosecution for minor crimes, which make up the bulk of Maidan cases, lasts only 5 years (that is, it expired back in 2019). For serious crimes — 7 years, for particularly serious — 10 years.

Extras in these proceedings — former law enforcement officers, officials, and others — are charged with committing a combination of especially serious, serious, and minor crimes. In one proceeding, there can be both particularly serious crimes, such as the intentional killing of protesters, committing a terrorist act, etc., and minor crimes, such as obstructing the meeting or exceeding official authority.

According to the Office of the Prosecutor General, the courts have already issued decisions to close criminal proceedings against 79 people. Of them, 68 were released from criminal liability precisely because of the expiration of the statute of limitations (although these decisions are appealed in appeals/cassation).

We will remind you that the State Bureau of Investigation has completed the investigation of a large-scale case against the former leadership of Ukraine for organizing the dispersal and shooting of demonstrators on February 18-20, 2014.

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