What are landmines and what should you do if you find a suspicious item? We explain
- Anna Hakman
15:00, 18 March, 2024
Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia, more than 887 Ukrainians have been injured as a result of detonations of explosive devices left in Ukraine by the Russians.
How many Ukrainians were affected by mines?
According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, over two years, 610 people were injured, 277 were killed during the detonation of mines and other explosive objects. 14 children were among those killed by mines. Most of the victims were in the Mykolaiv, Kherson and Kharkiv regions.
Last year, 2023, 17 people, including one child, died in the Mykolaiv Oblast due to the detonation of ammunition. According to the calculations of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine (ESES), there were a total of 57 cases of detonation of the civilian population by landmines last year.
On November 24, 2022, a case of mine detonation was recorded in the de-occupied Snihurivka community in the Mykolayiv region. Employees of the State Emergency Service were killed and wounded.
On December 15, 2022, a man found two anti-personnel mines left behind by the Russian military in one of the villages of Snihurivka region. The shells were detonated. A 26-year-old man died on the spot.
On April 22, 2022, in the town of Snihurivka, near the former mineral water plant, two residents of the community were blown up by an anti-personnel mine.
In the city of Snihurivka on September 20, 2023, a car carrying two men was blown up by a mine. One of them died on the spot, the second man was hospitalized.
On October 11, 2023, a mine exploded in a field near the town of Snihurivka. The driver was injured as a result of the explosion and is in the hospital.
Also, on February 1, 2024 , four people were detonated by a mine near the village of Yevgenivka in the Mykolaiv region.
On March 5, 2024 , a 38-year-old man blew himself up in the village of Bezimenne of the Snihurivka community of the Bashtanka district.
In addition, in the Snihurivka region, the pyrotechnic group of the State Emergency Service demined the area where a cow was blown up by an explosive device.
What mines are found in Mykolaiv Oblast?
Mines and other explosive objects can be found anywhere: in abandoned houses, on the streets, on children's playgrounds, in suburban open space: in fields, forests, in reservoirs, on the sides of roads, etc.
In the Mykolayiv region, as Artem Vahin, the press officer of the main department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Mykolayiv region, told us in a comment, the occupiers most often leave anti-personnel mines, namely: POM-2, PMN-2, MON-50.
«They leave behind a huge number of mines in the de-occupied territories,» added Artem Vahin.

What are POM-2, MON-50, PMN-2?
This is a fragmentation anti-personnel mine that deals circular damage. It has four target sensors in the form of stretch marks.
«Circular damage means that this mine acts on all 360 degrees. It is installed with the help of remote detonation and, when activated, throws out 4 streamers in different directions. This is a very dangerous mine,» explained the press officer.
This is a fragmentation anti-personnel mine of directed action. It has sensors in the form of stretch marks: if caught, it will detonate.
“This mine may have stretchers or a directional motion sensor. On it is written «to the enemy» — this means that when the stretcher is triggered, the mine explodes in the same direction, releasing a significant number of striking elements. It is very difficult to survive after such an explosion, as the mine acts purposefully,» Artem Vahin explained to us in a comment.
This is a high-explosive anti-personnel mine, installed in the soil or on the surface of the earth.
«This is a mine that goes off when pressed. It has a sensor that reacts to movement,» explained Artem Vahin.
What is «double mining»?
Press officer Artem Vahin said that double mining is when two or even three mines are installed in a row:
«These are mine traps, which are designed so that when you try to neutralize them, an additional trap will be triggered, and the explosion will still occur. This is a very cunning mechanism."
How are explosives masked?
The press officer also said that during the occupation of territories, Russians often disguise explosive objects as household items. When residents return home after de-occupation, they are injured due to their carelessness.
«Unfortunately, we have cases when the enemy mined absolutely everything: from doors to household items, toys, books, candies, balls. They hid explosive items even among kitchen utensils and left them in washing machines,» he explained.
Where can you most often come across a mine?
1. Military positions and territories around them, as well as areas near roadblocks and observation posts.
2. Objects of critical infrastructure, including bridges, airports, factories, warehouses and other important objects.
3. Destroyed or abandoned buildings and areas where military equipment may be located.
4. River crossings.
5. Territories where hostilities were previously fought are also considered to be potentially mined.
«In short, you can come across a landmine everywhere. It is important to remember that any place can be dangerous if it has not been inspected by pyrotechnics and explosives. Most often, these are territories that were de-occupied or those where hostilities took place,» Artem Vahin stressed.
When people return to de-occupied territories, it is important that pyrotechnics and explosives are the first to enter the premises.
«The civilian population does not need to put their health and lives in danger. If it is a de-occupied area, the relevant services should be notified first so that they can, if necessary, re-check and grant permission to enter the premises. Civilians are strictly prohibited from interacting with any explosive objects,» the press officer explained.
What are the signs of mined areas?
Nearby you can see corpses or skeletons of animals.
Distinctive debris such as waxed paper and military-colored plastic or metal container boxes lie nearby.
Warning signs such as STOP MINES, MINES, DANGER, and skull and crossbones signs can be seen. There may also be marks made from improvised means such as crossed sticks, stones, various ribbons, etc.
Traces of hostilities are visible: torn or burned cars and other equipment, buildings and soil are damaged, pieces of metal are lying around from the explosion.
There may be changes on the surface that are not typical for this area, such as grooves, dug up soil, broken branches, etc.
«Also, signs of a mined area are holes, dug up soil, trees and bushes leaning in one direction,» the press officer added.
Noticed a suspicious object — what to do?
Stop and never touch it.
Keep calm and move at least 100 meters away from the location of the mine.
Only then call 101, 102 or 112.
Do not allow anyone to find, warning about the danger.
Wait for rescuers to arrive and save your life.
«It's important for people to know 4 rules: see → don't approach → don't touch → call 101,» added Artem Vahin.
We would like to remind you that on March 12, 2024, an interactive safety class was opened at the base of the Department of Emergency Situations in the Mykolaiv region, where children will be taught the rules of handling explosive objects.
Earlier, in August 2023, Mykolaiv rescuers created a mobile mine safety class, which works in various settlements of the region. It was created to minimize risks and reach as many residents of the region as possible, especially in the de-occupied territories or in settlements where active hostilities were taking place.
Read also the article NikVesti «Decades are needed: How the demining process of the Mykolaiv region continues.»
Anna Hakman, NikVesti