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    5 October, 2024

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  • 5 October , 2024 October

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Mykolaiv journalist created a podcast about how war affects the environment

Mykolaiv journalist and eco-enthusiast Olena Horiacheva became the author of the podcast «It hurts me: War and ecocide», where she discusses the impact of war on the environment together with experts.

Olena Horiacheva told about this in a comment to NikVesti.

«The state of nature and its diversity directly affect your health and comfort. Together with us, he will take a closer look at the events in Ukraine. This is real ecocide. War destroys the environment, poisons water bodies and air, destroys entire populations of animals and plants. This time it's more than news. These are interviews and stories about the impact of war on the environment and advice on how to survive in the environment,» said Olena Horiacheva.

Together with expert guests, the journalist discusses the impact of the war on the environment, the state of rivers and the sea, the quality of soils, the problems of shell-crushed and mined steppes and destroyed nature reserves.

You can listen to the podcast on the Spotify and SoundCloud platforms.

Two episodes have already been published: «The Black Sea» and «Snihurivka's Water». New episodes will be released every Thursday, the journalist said.

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