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    5 October, 2024

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  • 5 October , 2024 October

  • Mykolaiv • 18.9° Partly cloudy

Sienkevych spent the day with Odesa journalists and told how he differs from Kim: «He played the role of appeaser, and I spoke about reality»

The mayor of Mykolaiv, Oleksandr Sienkovych, became the hero of the «Backstage» project, in which he spent the day with Odesa journalists and talked about his public and personal life.

The corresponding video was published on the YouTube channel «Dumska».

During the conversation with journalists, Oleksandr Sienkevych talked about the first days of the war experienced by Mykolaiv, his work as a city mayor, help from European partners, as well as about his personal preferences in life: music, learning languages, and sports.

The mayor showed the journalists from Odesa the daily life of Mykolaiv, in particular how the staff meeting is held, the work of communal services and his own office, in which he has not been working since the beginning of the full-scale invasion.

He also explained to journalists from Odessa how his role differed from that of Vitalii Kim in the first days of the full-scale invasion.

«From the beginning of the war, our roles were divided. Vitaly Kim played the role of a calmer so that people understood: «don't worry, everything is under control.» Sometimes people just need to be told. And I told the reality, so some people say that I am some kind of pessimist. But listen, if I were a pessimist, I would never have become the mayor of Mykolaiv, because you can't work here without optimism,» said Oleksandr Sienkevych.

Oleksandr Sienkevych answered «many things» to journalist Victoria Ortis's question about how the first term as the mayor of Mykolaiv differs from the second.

«Before my first term, I did not work as a mayor, so I had no experience in real city management. Although I went through all the processes, it is one thing to be an activist or a representative of civil society, or even a deputy of the city council, and another thing is to take responsibility and work in the executive power. The first time it was difficult, because out of 54 deputies, 26 were in the opposition bloc from the very beginning, that is, in the opposition to me, and then a certain number of deputies joined them. So it was difficult. The second time is easier, because I already know this work and, in fact, the deputy corps is not so colorful. Somehow, the deputies started working from the very beginning, drawing conclusions on the work of the previous ones. And then the war. It is difficult to compare these two terms,» said Oleksandr Sienkovych.

Later, he told Odesa journalists that he decided to become the mayor because of his desire to become a famous and recognized person, which later turned into a desire to do work that «goes back many generations.»

«In my personal opinion, each person has three types of motivation. The first is financial, when a person wants to earn money and everything in life revolves around earning and then spending. The second motivation is ego. That is, a person's desire to become known, recognized. And the third is missionary work, when a person asks himself «why am I here?». Perhaps then, at that time, it was the second motivation. I wanted recognition, to go down in history. Everything was fine with my finances, I officially declared myself a millionaire then. Then it turned into a missionary, because I think about the fact that some things are not known and will never be known to the people of Mykolaiv, they will never thank or remember me, but I do it because this work goes on for many generations. Including work on the replacement of sewage treatment plants, renewal of communal enterprises,» said the mayor.

We will remind you that the mayor of Mykolaiv, Oleksandr Sienkevych, does not yet see any prospects for the city in receiving compensation or subventions if the personal income tax is withdrawn from military personnel. He told about this in the release of the project «MYKOLAIV. City of Virtue».

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