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  • 6 October , 2024 October

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«We consider tenders criminal»: activists of «Money for the Armed Forces» met with representatives of Mykolaiv authorities

The first deputy mayor of Mykolaiv, Vitaliy Lukov, held a meeting with the participants of the «Money for the Armed Forces» campaign, who are demanding that the city authorities allocate more funds to the needs of the army.

The meeting took place in the building of the administration of the Central district of Mykolaiv, the correspondent of NikVesti reports.

As you know, on November 4, residents of Mykolaiv joined the action in support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Activists are outraged by the fact that during martial law in Mykolaiv, funds are spent on road repairs, laying sidewalks, other improvement works and various purchases, including computer equipment, flowers and products for awards. They demand that the local authorities redirect all funds from, in their opinion, inappropriate tenders to the needs of the Ukrainian army.

Vitalii Lukov, on the other hand, emphasized that Mykolaiv systematically helps the Armed Forces and is one of the cities of Ukraine that provides the largest financial support to the army.

— We believe that all these tenders are criminal, no one understands why these flowers, why these cars, why this tile. How can we influence it? What is it for, products for celebration and awards, bouquets. Who do you reward all the time? There are still watches with engraving, — asked the activists.

The first deputy mayor explained to the participants of the action that there are certain improvement works that the city cannot avoid even if it wishes, in particular, work on street lighting, marking, etc.

Regarding products for greetings and awards, Vitalii Lukov noted that today the military needs not only financial support.

— I recently went to our 125th brigade, asked the guys what they needed for winter and handed over thermal cups from the city community. Yes, there are watches for the military and even there is a queue for them. Today will be the day of the Armed Forces, you need to visit the military units and congratulate them, they want attention not only material. These are also awards for the defense of Mykolaiv, — he said.

According to Vitalii Lukov, as of today in Mykolaiv, all requests from the military to the city council have been satisfied.

We will remind, similar «Money for the Armed Forces» actions were also held in Voznesensk and Pervomaisk. On October 30, about 100 people gathered near the Voznesensk City Council, who brought posters with the inscriptions: «Drones, not asphalt», «When your house is attacked, they don't whitewash it, but protect it», «Sidewalks and roads after Victory» and others. The participants of the action also chanted: «Money for the Armed Forces.»

Even earlier, on October 28, a rally was also held in Mykolaiv before the All-Ukrainian Day of Support for the Army with the demand to direct money from the city budget not to roads and improvements, but to the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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