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    12 February, 2025

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  • 12 February , 2025 Wednesday

  • Mykolaiv • -5.3° Clear sky

Restoration of Mykolaiv region: 489 reconstruction projects registered with DREAM

Відбудова Миколаївщини: у DREAM зареєстровано 489 проєктів на 37,75 мільярда гривень, архівне фото: «NikVesti»Rebuilding Mykolaiv Oblast: 489 projects worth UAH 37.87 billion registered with DREAM, archive photo: «_nikvesti»

The state digital ecosystem for recovery management DREAM contains 489 projects to rebuild Mykolaiv region. Their implementation will require 37.87 billion hryvnias.

This data was published in the DREAM digital system as of 5 January.

It is noted that currently there are 5.64 billion hryvnias of the required 37.87 billion hryvnias for the implementation of reconstruction projects in the region.

Кількість проєктів з відбудови Миколаївщини, дані системи DREAMNumber of reconstruction projects in Mykolaiv Oblast, DREAM data

The Mykolaiv community ranked first in terms of the number of reconstruction projects entered into the system. Currently, 256 projects are registered there with a total estimated budget of 18.1 billion hryvnias. However, the available funding is currently only 2.46 billion hryvnias.

Restoration of Mykolaiv region

As of February 2024, more than 30% of the infrastructure in Mykolaiv region has been restored. Hospitals and bridges have been restored the most, while housing has been restored the least.

Last year, the Infrastructure Restoration and Development Service in Mykolaiv region signed contracts for the restoration and repair of facilities worth 7.8 billion hryvnias. This is the fourth largest amount of bids in Ukraine.


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