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    13 January, 2025

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  • 13 January , 2025 Monday

  • Mykolaiv • -1.4° Clear sky

Re-education of domestic tyrants in Ochakiv: a program of hourly classes will be introduced

Photo: Depositphotos.com.ua Photo: Depositphotos.com.ua

In Ochakiv, the authorities are working on the implementation of a program to combat domestic violence. For this purpose, the authorities are developing a special program for the correction of aggressive behavior.

The relevant draft decision from November 8 was published on the community's official website, NikVesti writes.

People can apply to the program for correction of aggressive behavior of persons who have committed domestic violence on their own initiative or by a court decision. If a person avoids passing without valid reasons, the authorized division of the police body must be informed about this in writing within three working days in order to take appropriate measures.

The document states that the program is aimed at forming the offender's responsible attitude towards his behavior and its consequences. This should help to learn a new, non-aggressive model of behavior in personal relationships.

Completion of the program for offenders begins with diagnostics to identify the causes of aggressive behavior.

The work will be divided into blocks: diagnostic and motivational. The shortest will last one and a half hours, the longest — 30 hours. In total, program participants will spend more than 20 hours on individual work, and 30 hours on group classes.

Participation in the program is free for residents of Ochakiv town community.

As you know, in the first six months of 2024, about 5,000 cases of domestic violence were recorded in the Mykolaiv region.

The increase in reports of domestic violence against children is particularly characteristic among families where parents have returned from the war.

Where to go if you are a victim of domestic violence:

Mykolaiv regional mobile brigade: +38 096 970 78 52;

Mykolaiv city mobile brigade: +38 050 811 45 20, +38 096 146 94 52.

Victims also have the opportunity to move to socially protected places. In particular, there are three shelters in Mykolayiv region that can provide temporary shelter, legal and economic assistance.

There are also spaces «Vilna», «Path of Resilience», «Family Friendly Space», where specialists provide assistance to women, children and veterans and family members of the dead.

National domestic violence hotline: 116 123.


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