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    19 January, 2025

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  • 19 January , 2025 Sunday

  • Mykolaiv • 2.9° Overcast

Discussed recovery issues: military command meets with Mykolaiv marines after release from captivity

Зутріч зі звільненими морпіхами. Фото: Морська піхотаMeeting with the liberated marines. Photo: Ukrainian Marines

The command of the Ukrainian Navy met with Ukrainian marines who returned from Russian captivity. The soldiers were presented with gifts.

This was reported by the Naval Infantry Command of the Ukrainian Navy.

It should be noted that at the end of 2024, an exchange of prisoners of war took place. Nine Mykolaiv marines returned home. The soldiers are currently undergoing rehabilitation.

Зутріч зі звільненими морпіхами. Фото: Морська піхотаMeeting with the released marines. Photo: Ukrainian Marines
Зутріч зі звільненими морпіхами. Фото: Морська піхотаMeeting with the liberated marines. Photo: The Marine Corps

The meeting discussed the provision of the necessary medical and psychological assistance for the recovery of the soldiers and their reintegration into society.

The marines were also presented with gifts from the Mykolaiv community and the naval command. According to Mykolaiv Mayor Oleksandr Sienkevych, the brigade received special backpacks with everything they need for the first time.

Зутріч зі звільненими морпіхами. Фото: Морська піхотаMeeting with the liberated marines. Photo: Ukrainian Marines
Зутріч зі звільненими морпіхами. Фото: Морська піхотаMeeting with the released marines. Photo: The Marine Corps

As a reminder, on 30 December, Ukraine returned 189 citizens home after being held in Russian captivity. During this exchange, 9 marines of the 36th Mykolaiv Brigade, who were captured while defending Mariupol, were returned.

In total, 1358 Ukrainians were returned from Russian captivity in 2024. A total of 11 exchanges took place.


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