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Vitalii Kim

Head of the Mykolaiv Regional Military Administration

News and articles by tag:

Zelenskyy visited a military hospital in Mykolaiv

20 October, 2023
A meeting was held under the chairmanship of the president on topical issues of security and life safety in the region.

About 500 Russians remain on the Kinburn spit, shelling the Mykolayiv region, — Kim

19 October, 2023
About 500 Russian troops remain on the Kinburn spit, which continue to shell the Kutsurub and Ochakiv communities.

Kim responded to the accusations of «Nashi Hroshi» in the «billion-dollar splurge»: Logistics and storage were added to the real price

16 October, 2023
The Department stated that the prices specified in the tender correspond to reality.

There is only one left: almost all the bridges damaged by the war have been restored in the Mykolayiv region

12 October, 2023
Almost all the bridges that were destroyed as a result of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine were restored in the Mykolaiv region.

Kim is the second after Zelenskyy in the rating of Ukrainians′ trust in politicians — Razumkov Center

11 October, 2023
The head of the Mykolayiv OSA was included in the top-3 trust rating among politicians, officials, public figures and journalists according to the results of the survey by the Razumkov Center.

In the de-occupied Mykolaiv Oblast, the bridge with a length of over 80 meters was restored in 5 months

11 October, 2023
An 84-meter-long bridge crossing over the Ingulets River was built in the Horohiv community (hromada) of the Mykolaiv region in five months.

Mykolayiv region is almost 90% ready for the heating season, — Kim

20 September, 2023
The Mykolayiv region is 86% ready for the upcoming heating season, which should begin in October.

Kim: money from the military personal income tax will go to the creation of weapons, and Mykolaiv budget is «equalized» to the level of 2021

20 September, 2023
The personal income tax (PIT), which comes from the incomes of military personnel, is planned to be directed in its entirety to the creation of domestic weapons.

Decades are needed: the demining process of the Mykolaiv region continues

9 September, 2023
Mykolaiv Oblast still remains one of the most mined regions of Ukraine. After the capture of Kherson, the region restrained the further advance of Russian troops in the south — some settlements in the region were under occupation or on the conflict line. Since then, the occupiers actively mined these territories, especially during the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces. After the de-occupation, their demining began. How this process is taking place today, which of the international partners are involved in it and how long it takes to clean up the entire area — read in the NikVesti article.