• Wednesday

    26 March, 2025

  • 14.8°
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  • 26 March , 2025 Wednesday

  • Mykolaiv • 14.8° Partly cloudy

₴10.5 million on the overhaul of the main school in the Kherson region: during the occupation there was a Russian military base there

Ivanivsk branch of basic secondary and preschool education of the Arkhangelsk OZZSO, photo from open sources Ivanivka branch of basic secondary and preschool education of the Arkhangelsk SIGSE, photo from open sources

In the Kherson region, 10.5 million hryvnias will be spent on capital repairs of the support school in the village of Ivanivka, damaged as a result of hostilities.

The corresponding tender was published by the «Arkhangelsk Support Institution of General Secondary Education» CC, NikVesti writes.

In addition to capital repairs, a protective structure should be built on the school territory and premises for the creation of kindergarten groups should be completed.

According to the tender documents, stone walls and ceilings must be restored in the educational institution, as well as new metal structures, doors, windows, insulation of facades, laying of linoleum.

The only applicant for the fulfillment of this order was the company «Bud Capital Group» LLC from the city of Uman, which offered a price 30 thousand less than the original price.

The contractors agreed to carry out repairs for 10 million 520 thousand hryvnias. The work should be completed by the end of 2024.

It is noted that during the occupation this school was used by the Russian military to store ammunition and equipment. There were also direct flights over the school, as a result of which the roof was broken, the classroom was completely destroyed, and 2 floor slabs of the institution were destroyed above the premises of the assembly hall and the library. Also, 154 windows were broken and the entrance and inner doors, as well as the fence of the facility were destroyed.

«The Russian military was stationed there. They also placed their military equipment on the school grounds, from which, according to eyewitnesses, they opened fire. In addition, according to witnesses, various ammunitions were found near the school and in the building itself. The institution suffered the most in mid-March (after March 8, 2022) from shelling. An unexploded shell was found on the roof of the premises,» notes the publication «Educational House of Human Rights in Chernihiv».

In addition, the Russians stole all material and technical values: office equipment, furniture. The occupiers left inscriptions such as «Tajikistan» on school blackboards.

As you know, the Armed Forces liberated the village of Ivanivka in the Kherson Region from the occupiers in July 2022.

In 2023, the state allocated 6.6 million hryvnias of subvention, which will be directed to the reconstruction of four infrastructure facilities on the territory of the Visokopillia community that were destroyed as a result of Russian aggression. Among the objects was the «Arkhangelsk Support Institution of General Secondary Education» KZ.

We will remind that more than 6 million hryvnias were allocated for the repair of three shelters in Kherson. 2.5 million hryvnias were allocated to one of them back in 2023, but the contractor had problems with the supply of construction materials.

This publication is supported by the Fund «Partnership for the Sustainability of Ukraine», which is funded by the governments of Great Britain, Canada, the Netherlands, the United States of America, Finland, Switzerland and Sweden. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of online media NikVesti and does not necessarily reflect the position of the Fund and/or its financial partners.


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