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    20 January, 2025

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  • 20 January , 2025 Monday

  • Mykolaiv • 8.1° Clear sky

A plague of fish was recorded on the Strilka beach in Mykolaiv: ecologists say that it could have been brought by the current from other areas

Plague of fish on the shore in Peremohy Park in Mykolaiv, photo: «MykVisti" Plague of fish on the shore in Peremohy Park in Mykolaiv, photo: NikVesti

Tons of dead fish were thrown out on Strilka beach in Peremohy park in Mykolaiv. Environmentalists say that this may be the result of an increase in the level of hydrogen sulfide in the water.

Almost the entire coast is covered with dead goby fish, reports the correspondent of NikVesti.

There are no exact data on the causes of the death of fish on the beach in Peremohy Park yet, as ecologists have not received official reports about the situation. However, the head of the department of instrumental and laboratory control of the Mykolaiv regional eco-inspection, Kostiantyn Zinkin, suggests that this may be a consequence of a lack of oxygen and an increase in hydrogen sulfide in the water.

«We have not received any reports about the situation in Victory Park. But we have already recorded similar cases in Korabelnyi district, Laherne field and Shyroka Balka, — notes Kostiantyn Zinkin. — This is a completely natural phenomenon caused by the release of hydrogen sulfide in September. The release of hydrogen sulfide, the lack of oxygen, these two factors mean that living aquatic biological resources have nothing to breathe, and they die. When there are a lot of dead fish on the shore, it's scary, but it's a natural process.»

Plague of fish on the shore in Peremohy Park in Mykolaiv, photo: «MykVisti" Plague of fish on the shore in Peremohy Park in Mykolaiv, photo: NikVesti
Plague of fish on the shore in Peremohy Park in Mykolaiv, photo: «MykVisti" Plague of fish on the shore in Peremohy Park in Mykolaiv, photo: NikVesti

The expert also suggested that the fish could have been carried to Strilka by the current or wind from other areas where plague was previously recorded. According to him, when checking the water in other locations, a greenish-white color was found, characteristic of the release of hydrogen sulfide, and the level of oxygen in the water was almost zero.

Kostyantyn Zinkin added that the increase in the level of hydrogen sulfide could be particularly influenced by the abnormal heat, which contributes to the faster decay of organic substances in the water.

Previously, NikVesti wrote that bulls were dying en masse in the Korabelnyi district of Mykolaiv. Local residents record tons of dead fish on the shore.

in July 2024, ecologists established the cause of the death of fish in the Southern Bug River in the Matviivka microdistrict. Ammonium nitrogen was in excess in the water.


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