• Thursday

    9 January, 2025

  • 7.7°


  • 9 January , 2025 Thursday

  • Mykolaiv • 7.7° Overcast

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) — a state in East Asia located in the northern part of the Korean Peninsula. Its capital is Pyongyang. The DPRK borders South Korea, China, and Russia, and has access to the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan. The population is approximately 25 million people.

The DPRK's political system is characterized by one-party rule under the Workers' Party of Korea. The country's leader, Kim Jong Un, serves as the head of state and military forces. The DPRK has a closed economy focused on self-sufficiency, with a significant portion of resources allocated to the military sector, particularly the development of nuclear weapons.

The DPRK is frequently subjected to international sanctions due to human rights violations, aggressive foreign policies, and nuclear testing. Its relations with the international community remain strained.

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