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  • 18 October , 2024 October

  • Mykolaiv • 4.2° Clear sky

«We can't heat the house and even collect water,» residents of Mala Korenykha have been without electricity for the fourth day

Residents of the Mala Korenykha neighborhood of Mykolayiv complain that they have been without electricity for the fourth day, and the part where there is voltage is facing problems due to the low quality of the electricity supply.

Dariia Chuvashyna, a resident of the micro-district, told about this in a comment to NikVesti correspondents.

The electricity supply was stopped on November 26 due to bad weather, and for four days local residents have been submitting applications to Oblenerho. In half of the neighborhood, there is a phase present, but with low voltage quality, which leads to breakdowns of electrical appliances.

«Mala Korenykha microdistrict, Zavodskyi district of the city of Mykolaiv. Due to bad weather, the lights were turned off at our dinner on November 26. Already for the fourth day, every day we submit applications to Oblenerho, but there is still no light. There is a phase in half of the neighborhood, but the voltage is very bad and all the electricity simply fails. Today, my grandmother and I started taking food out into the yard, because it's at least a little cooler there. Due to the lack of light, we had to throw out almost all the products from the refrigerator. I have a small child in my arms, I can't even draw water, because the pump in our well is not working,» says a local resident.

Residents, among whom there are many young families with children, have already filed complaints with local services and Obelenerho, but no specific dates for the restoration of energy supply are given there. The situation is complicated by the fact that many residents use electric heating, and the lack of light leads to problems with heating the premises.

«Oblenerho always tells us that they will turn on the light after 11 p.m., but it still hasn't. My husband called all the government hotlines yesterday, but when they hear about our neighborhood, they say «wait» and hang up. Apparently, we were promised that they would turn on the lights on December 1st at 1am, but we don't believe it, because that's what we're told every day. Most of the residents of our neighborhood have electric heating, so they don't even have a place to warm up. People go to a store with a generator to charge their gadgets and call Oblenerho. «It's really impossible to sit without light for four days, especially when there are small children,» she said.

The storm, which caused problems with the power supply, cut many wires in the neighborhood. Oblenerho employees arrived at the scene of the accident a few days ago, but, according to the residents, they did not start work on restoring the electricity supply.

«We had a lot of wires cut in the neighborhood due to bad weather. Two days ago, employees of Oblenerho came to us, looked at the broken wires and went back, after that no one came anymore,» said Dariia.

The local chat of residents of Mala Korenykha is also full of complaints about the lack of electricity supply.

Earlier, we wrote about the fact that in one of the yards of a house on 2nd Voienna Street in the Inhulskyi district, due to bad weather, a branch fell on the gate of a private yard, damaging a gas pipe and tearing off wires.

We will remind, on the evening of November 25, Mykolaiv and the region were covered by heavy snowfall. In the center of Mykolaiv due to bad weather , a tree fell on a car parked nearby.

Also, a tree fell in the middle of the road in one of the yards of multi-apartment buildings on Namyv in Mykolaiv.

In the Mykolaiv region, as of November 26, electricity supply was restored in 10 settlements that were cut off due to bad weather. Another 61 settlements are still without electricity.

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